Monday, December 13, 2010


Well I haven't updated in a while, mostly due to the fact that I'm pretty settled right now. I didn't travel as much in the last month because it was pretty cold, and everyone seemed content to just stay in. I did go to Everland though, which was a ton of fun. We voted it the scariest amusement park of all time. It looks like Disneyland, but the rides are way more intense. I could barely move my neck the next day, but it was totally worth it.

Feeling like we're going to hit the ground face first.

After the scariest ride of our lives. I'm not including David in that statement because he looks too happy.

Nonsan family photo.

It was soo high.

The most mellow ride, a ski-lift.

This ride was fun, you got to shoot ghosts.

Creepy Christmas elves.

Wendy and me.


Lots of trees.

Pretty floats.

Here are some other photos. They pretty much sum up how I spend my time here:

I play pool with George and David.

I hang out with my co-teacher, Yihoon.

I play with the kids and occasionally teach them things. These are my third graders.

Hayan and I helped Linda decorate her Christmas tree.

7th Street is our favorite bar.

Every Sunday Hayan and I have a pizza date.

Other than that, I'm just trying to enjoy time with my friends here while I have it, and see as much of Korea as possible.

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